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Reclaim Your Smile with Restorative Dentistry in Bellbrook, OH

Individualized Restorative Treatment

Teeth in good, stable condition have the potential to last a lifetime. When an infection or cavity strikes, however, immediate restorative treatment is crucial to preserving your smile. Depending on your specific situation, our Bellbrook dentist office offers a comprehensive menu of restorative options to choose from.

What is Restorative Dentistry?

We're here to help your smile look and feel its best, no matter what it's been through in the past! There is no such thing as a "one-size-fits-all" smile strategy, and our Bellbrook dentist will assess your specific needs on a tooth-by-tooth basis. You will always have a say in how your care is planned and what steps are taken next.

Depending on your goals, Dr. Buller-Schussler may recommend a combination of popular restorative therapies, such as:

Dental Bridges

Bridges are used to replace missing teeth and are supported by two healthy, natural teeth or a pair of dental implants. They are made of custom-matched ceramic that seamlessly integrate into the surrounding teeth, just like crowns.

Traditional bridges replace one or two teeth at a time, while implant-supported bridges replace three or four teeth at once because they are supported by implants. The latter is a permanent alternative to removable partial dentures.

Dental Crowns

Our crowns are made from durable materials that look attractive and perform like real teeth. We make sure that all crowns match the teeth on either side of them. Crowns can be used on any teeth throughout the mouth to repair damaged or missing teeth, related to issues such as:

  • After a root canal procedure 
  • Replacing a large filling
  • Fractures or significant structural damage
  • There isn't enough healthy enamel to support a filling

Crowns protect the remaining tooth structure by covering and reinforcing what’s left. It’s important for distributing chewing and biting forces evenly across the tooth so that further breakage can be avoided.

Dental Implants

Implants are a treatment option for people who have lost a one or more teeth. Implants are made to look and feel like natural tooth roots. They are implanted near the affected teeth in the bone, where the implant fuses with the bone so that it becomes a permanent part of your new smile.

Implant failures are extremely uncommon. In fact, they are the most successful of all modern dental restorations.

Dr. Buller-Schussler will bond a permanent restoration to the implant once it is fully integrated. In the case of a single missing tooth, a porcelain or ceramic crown is typically used. Implants can also support multi-tooth dental bridges to replace several teeth at a time. 

Schedule Your Visit

Your treatment plan will include detailed pricing, the number of appointments needed, and an estimate of how your insurance benefits will be applied (if applicable.) Flexible payment options are also available to help ensure that you have access to the treatment your smile needs. 

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